Channelling Angelic Healing rays is a beautiful and loving method of healing.
Angel Healing works on a loving and high vibrational level, it aids in releasing emotional and physical blocks and enables you to live in your heart and fulfil your life.
Archangels bring their healing rays during Angelic Healing, below are some examples;
Archangel Michael assists with protection and negativity.
Archangel Raphael assists us on many levels of healing.
Archangel Gabriel assists us with our communication and parenting.
Archangel Metatron assists us with bringing balance and realignment to our lives.
Archangel Jophiel assists us in keeping our lives simple and peaceful and for clearing clutter from our lives.
Archangel Raziel assists us on regaining our own power.
Archangel Jeremiel assists us in changing and healing our lives and overcoming difficulties.
Archangel Zadkiel assists us with our learning and helps us elevate our compassion.
Archangel Raguel assists us in bringing comfort, harmony and balance into our lives.
Archangel Azrael assists us with grief and depression.
The methods used in Angelic Healing include, Chakra Cleansing, Cord Cutting, Brain Alignment, Meditation/Visualisation, Vacuuming and Angelic Crystal Wand Healing.
You may have some questions regarding Angelic Healing or want to make a booking, if so please contact