Your cards numbered 1 – 7 hold an energetic vibrational code for Colours
Colours also have a human meaning as you will see below, the following gives you a brief description.
RED – Increases Physical Energy, Vitality, Stamina, Grounding, Spontaneity, Stability, Passion
ORANGE – Stimulates Creativity, Productivity, Pleasure, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Emotional Expression
YELLOW – Increases Fun, Humour, Lightness, Personal Power, Intellect, Logic, Creativity
GREEN – Supports Balance, Harmony, Love, Social, Nature, Acceptance
BLUE – Increases Communication, Calmness, Peace, Honesty, Kindness
INDIGO – Increases Love, Truth, Inner Peace, Emotional Depth, Devotion, Vision
VIOLET – Stimulates Intuition, Imagination, Universal Flow, Meditation, Artistic Qualities
There are may other descriptions on the internet regarding the meanings and uses of colours should you wish to know more.